Products » Politics
Israel's Relations with the East European States
From Disruption (1967) to Resumption (1989-91)
Govrin, Yosef
In the years 1989-1991, Israel renewed its diplomatic relations with the USSR, Bulgaria, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Poland, and Czechoslovakia - relations which were severed subsequent to the Six Day War. Diplomatic relations with Albania were established for the first time. Talks with East Germany came...
Jewish Organizations' Response to Communism and to Senator McCarthy
from £20.00
Weingarten, Aviva
In February 1950, Senator Joseph McCarthy launched an anti-communist that lasted for more than four years. His attempts to unmask communists in the American administration and governmental agencies gave rise to actions that infringed on democratic procedure and civil liberties. As the Cold War grew, fear of communism at...
Jewish Parliamentarians
from £16.95
Janner, Lord Greville; Taylor, Derek
July 2008 marks the 150th anniversary of the passing of the Oath Act which enabled Jews to become members of parliament without taking the Oath of Allegiance on the true faith of a Christian. Lionel de Rothschild was the first to be allowed to swear on...
Jews and Europe in the Twenty-First Century
Thinking Jewish
Cesarani, David; Lambert, Nick
Edited by: Cesarani, David
Jews and Europe in the Twenty-First Century is a collection of interviews with more than ninety prominent Jewish intellectuals, politicians, writers and scientists from across Western Europe. Nick Lambert?s penetrating interviews and analyses reveal their thoughts, fears and hopes for the future. Deep...
Levi Eshkol
From Pioneering Operator to Tragic Hero - A Doer
Aronson, Shlomo
Including research from newly opened domestic and foreign archives, this book provides an original description and analysis of a crucial period in Israel's history and the history of the Middle East through the lens of the charming, lesser known,...
The Palestine Crucible, 1919-1939
Turnberg, Leslie(A)n astonishing feat of scholarship and analysis that sits at the nexus of history, foreign policy and most importantly, a timely assessment of where Britain is heading based on the prison and prism of the past. It is...
Netanyahu’s Israel
Rise of the Far Right
Confino, Jotam
Jotam Confino has been my go-to correspondent from Israel since the October 7th massacre and subsequent conflict. Balanced, informed and looking for positive routes forward his book is a timely...
Palestinians between Nationalism and Islam
Israeli, Raphael
This collection of mostly already-published articles illustrates the tension over the years between nascent Palestinian nationalism as articulated by the PLO and Islam as incorporated by Hamas. The latter's victory in the 2006 elections makes the matter all the more pertinent. Contents include: Introduction: Palestinian Affairs in World Perspective...
Photographs of Childhood and Parenting on Kibbutz
Collective Memories and Private Memorials
Barromi-Perlman, EdnaWhat is it that we wish to see in our photo albums? Reality as it was, or a selected, upgraded version of our past? Can we control the memories we pass on? These are some of the thought-provoking questions that Edna Barromi-Perlman raises...
Public Administration in Transition
Essays in Honor of Gerald E Caiden
Edited by: Argyriades, Demetrios; Dwivedi, O.P.; Jabbra, Joseph
Global developments over the past half-century have transformed public administration and brought it to maturity as an autonomous discipline at the intersection of many important fields of study. The trends and challenges which confront this discipline are...