Jewish History

  • 250 Years of Convention and Contention

    250 Years of Convention and Contention


    A History of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, 1760-2010

    Langham, Raphael

    In November 1760, the leaders of the Bevis Marks synagogue in London established a committee to consider how the synagogue should pay homage to King George III, who had just ascended the throne. This committee evolved into what we...

  • A Brief History of Israel’s Economy

    A Brief History of Israel’s Economy


    120 Years of Economic Development – And Perspectives for the Future
    Brodet, David

    This book will appeal to anyone interested in the history of Israel and its economy, and in identifying the forces behind the successes and the challenges it faces. It is written in a non-technical language, and provides enough...

  • A Fairy Tale Unmasked

    A Fairy Tale Unmasked


    The Teacher and the Nazi Slaves
    Vaupel, Dieter with Stone, D.Z.

    A Fairy Tale Unmasked is two books in one, each building on the other. Part I is the effort of a German High School teacher and his indefatigable students to uncover the true history of their town, once the site...

  • A Good Jew and a Good Englishman

    A Good Jew and a Good Englishman


    The Jewish Lads and Girls Brigade

    Kadish, Sharman

    Copyright: 2/1/1995

  • A Minority in Britain

    A Minority in Britain


    Copyright: 1/1/1955

  • A National Home for the Jewish People

    A National Home for the Jewish People


    The Concept in British Political Thinking and Policy Making 1917-1923

    Barzilay-Yegar, Dvorah

    What was the concept of 'A National Home for the Jewish People,' where did it come from, and how was it defined? Barzilay-Yegar traces the shifting meanings of the phrase from its first coining in the Balfour Declaration of 1917,...

  • A Train to Palestine

    A Train to Palestine


    The Tehran Children, Anders' Army and their Escape from Stalin's Siberia, 1939–1943
    Grigsby, Randy

    In October 1938 eight-year-old Josef Rosenbaum, his mother and younger sister, set out from Germany on a cruel odyssey fleeing into eastern Europe along with thousands of other refugees.
    Sent to Siberian slave labor camps in the wildernesses,...

  • A World Apart

    A World Apart

    from £19.95

    The History of Chasidism in England

    Rabinowicz, Harry

    Copyright: 2/17/1997

  • An Israeli At the Court of St James's

    An Israeli At the Court of St James's


    Copyright: 1/1/1971

  • Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    from £16.95

    Time to Confront the Elephant in the Room

    Stone, David H.
    Foreword by Colonel Richard Kemp

    David Stone’s masterful account exposes how the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a continuing and virulent antisemitism cloaked in anti-Zionism. A depressing but essential message that deserves to be widely read, especially...