
  • 'Ask the Rabbi'

    'Ask the Rabbi'


    Questions and Answers on Judaism

    Jacobs, Louis

    The 'Ask the Rabbi' column in the Jewish Chronicle was an extremely popular weekly feature of the paper. During more than 25 years, over 1,000 lively questions and answers accumulated, of which this book is a selection arranged according to various themes. It can now...

  • 1001 Questions and Answers on Pesach

    1001 Questions and Answers on Pesach

    from £16.95

    Cohen, Jeffrey

    [from Chief Rabbi Professor Jonathan Sacks] Rabbi Cohen writes within a great tradition, bringing together Torah and chokmah, Jewish wisdom and the broad panoply of human knowledge, and finding in their interplay a never-ending source of deepened understanding. He is both sage and man of faith, a lucid teacher...

  • 500 Questions and Answers on Chanukah

    500 Questions and Answers on Chanukah

    from £17.50

    Cohen, Jeffrey

    This book is probably the most comprehensive and detailed treatment of the festival of Chanukah in the English language. It commences by placing the festival in its historical context by surveying the history of the Jewish people from Abraham until Alexander, and proceeds to explain the origin, nature and...

  • A Reader of Early Liberal Judaism

    A Reader of Early Liberal Judaism

    from £16.95

    The Writings of Israel Abrahams, Claude Montefiore, Lily Montagu and Israel Mattuck

    Edited by: Kessler, Edward

    Surprisingly little has been written about the origins of Liberal Judaism in England but this book examines why the movement was founded and how it developed. Kessler has selected the key writings of the four founders...

  • A Wing and A Prayer

    A Wing and A Prayer


    My Life and Times
    Weisman, Malcolm

    Malcolm has made such a significant contribution to so many areas for so long a time that this project is vital to ensure that his work is properly recorded and recognised. ... It is fair to say...

  • Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    Antisemitism in the Arab-Israeli Conflict

    from £16.95

    Time to Confront the Elephant in the Room

    Stone, David H.
    Foreword by Colonel Richard Kemp

    David Stone’s masterful account exposes how the root cause of the Arab-Israeli conflict lies in a continuing and virulent antisemitism cloaked in anti-Zionism. A depressing but essential message that deserves to be widely read, especially...

  • Aspects of Liberal Judaism

    Aspects of Liberal Judaism

    from £17.95

    Essays in Honour of John D Rayner

    Edited by: Goldberg, David; Kessler, Edward

    Rabbi Dr John D Rayner CBE, Hon. Life Pres of Liberal Judaism, is one of the most distinguished Progressive rabbis in the world. Over a career spanning more than 50 years, he has written, lectured, taught and expounded a...

  • Challenge and Continuity

    Challenge and Continuity

    from £12.95

    Rabbinic Responses to Modernity, Science and Tragedy

    Birnbaum, Yoni

    Rabbi Birnbaum's well-organised treatment of the relationship between Torah and science provides insightful guidance. ~--Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis ***[A]n enlightening and inspiring account of how Orthodox rabbis responded to some of the unprecedented stresses of modernity.--Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks ***A clear discussion of...

  • Chief Rabbi Hertz

    Chief Rabbi Hertz


    The Wars of the Lord

    Taylor, Derek

    Chief Rabbi Joseph Herman Hertz (1872-1946), perhaps Britain's greatest Chief Rabbi, led his community through two World Wars and was instrumental in the rescue of Jewish refugees from Nazism. He published many books and edited the seminal Hertz Chumash. Rabbi Hertz was a...

  • Chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler

    Chief Rabbi Nathan Marcus Adler


    The Forgotten Founder

    Taylor, Derek

    New in paperback 16th October 2020

    Derek Taylor has written a comprehensive and highly readable biography which will restore Adler to his true place in history.--Elkan D Levy ***Nathan Marcus Adler remains the longest serving Chief Rabbi in the history of Anglo-Jewry. Yet...