The Lie that Will Not Die

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Ben-Itto, Hadassa

With a new Introduction by Dave Rich

How encouraging to think that when people tell racist lies there are courts in which the slandered can prove that they're being slandered, and that judges can make the world a better place.
Tom Payne, The Telegraph

This is an impres­sive and engag­ing work, and for all of the impor­tant his­tor­i­cal mate­r­i­al made avail­able, it is extreme­ly read­able. She explores the char­ac­ters involved in this crime, Russ­ian, French, Ger­man, Swiss, and so on, and the remark­able indi­vid­u­als who under­took to expose the lie. … Ben-Itto’s book cap­tures one’s atten­tion like a good mys­tery nov­el; unfor­tu­nate­ly, the sto­ry she tells of this forgery and those who employ it to fur­ther their inter­ests is not make-believe.
Mark D. Nanos, Jewish Book Council

Judge Ben-Itto maintains that all Jewish conspiracy theories derive from the protocols, whether it was that the Jews caused the Great Depression, or the Aids epidemic, or were behind the 11 September terrorist attacks on New York, or countless others. She says Hitler adapted the protocols for his own use and they are also mentioned to this day in the covenant of terror group Hamas, as well as being widely distributed across the Middle East.
The Law Society Gazette

Of all the libels that have served as a means of incitement of hate against Jews, and as intellectual justification of anti-Semitism, the myth of the so-called 'Jewish Conspiracy' to gain domination of the whole world, as embodied in the forged Protocols of the Elders of Zion, is probably the most devious and the most dangerous. Previously only analyzed in academic, footnoted studies, the history of the Protocols is presented here by Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto in an eminently readable, fascinating account, telling the stories of the numerous people involved over the hundred years that the forgery has existed. Above all, this is the story of a judge who follows the Protocols into lawyers' chambers and into courtrooms in Switzerland, in South Africa, in Germany, in the United States and in Russia, and presents the reader with a detailed critical analysis of legal proceedings which culminated in fascinating courtroom drama. The truth is revealed again and again, but the lie wouldn't die.

390 pages

Copyright: 3/1/2005 New Edition: 31/07/2020

£18.95 GBP