Holocaust Agendas, Conspiracies and Industries?

Issues and Debates in Holocaust Memorialization

Berman, Judith

This book is the first comparative study of the ways in which the Holocaust has been memorialized in Australia, Britain and New Zealand. It examines: -- the processes by which the Holocaust entered Jewish and mainstream cultures -- representations of the uniquesness and/or universality of the Holocaust -- uses and abuses of the terminology and imagery of the Holocaust -- the relationship between Holocaust remembrance and Jewish unity and identity -- interpretations of the lessons of the Holocaust. Despite the different national histories of Australia, Britain, and New Zealand, and notwithstanding variations in Jewish community size and composition, the Holocaust has been memorialized in remarkably similar ways, although in many respects these are significantly different from the American experience.

148 pages

Copyright: 5/1/2006

£49.50 GBP