In the Footsteps of the Jews of Greece

From Ancient Times to the Present Day
Karababas, Anastasios

Some praise for the Greek edition:
A very engaging book about a unique aspect of Greece’s history.

This work offers for the first time a complete and comprehensive overview of the history of the Jews of Greece.

Greek Jewry has a unique history in Europe, and Greek Judaism is possibly the oldest faith on the continent. The Hellenized Romaniotes, the Sephardim from the western Mediterranean and the Ashkenazim from central Europe created a mosaic of communities across the country, each one with its own fascinating history and tradition.
Thessaloniki, the ‘Jerusalem of the Balkans’, Ioannina, the capital of the Romaniotes, Larissa, Volos, Patra, Crete, Corfu, Rhodes, Athens, and many others. These Jewish communities, together but also individually, are an integral part of Greece’s rich history.
This pioneering book presents a unique detailed historical overview of the history of Greek Jews from antiquity to the present day, including the period of the Shoah when nearly 90% of the community was annihilated. Beyond this historical landscape, the book also highlights the contributions of Greek Jews to the economic, cultural, intellectual and political life of the country, and reveals the golden times and the darkest days in the coexistence between Jews and Christians in Greece.

262 pages 20 b/w illus paperback

Copyright: 30/01/2024

£22.95 GBP