Religion » Religion

  • The Mishnah

    The Mishnah


    Copyright: 5/30/1993

  • The US: 150 Years of Service

    The US: 150 Years of Service


    llustrated by 150 Orders of Service and key artefacts from the collection of Professor David Latchman
    United Synagogue
    Divrei Bracha from Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
    Message from Michael Goldstein, President of the United Synagogue

    For 150 years, The United...

  • Their Heads in Heaven

    Their Heads in Heaven

    from £17.95

    Unfamiliar Aspects of Hasidism

    Jacobs, Louis

    Sheds light on obscure corners of the Hasidic movement and the lives of the Rebbes. After a brief account of the history and rise of Hasidism in the eighteenth century to its restoration in the New World after the Holocaust, novel developments, some of them startling,...

  • Torah for Teens

    Torah for Teens

    from £14.95

    Growing up Spiritually with the Weekly Sidrah

    Cohen, Jeffrey

    Organized into bite-size installments, this book is specifically designed to deepen the understanding and heighten the relevance of the weekly sidrah for the young adult and student generation. The book provides ethical and religious guidance for confronting the vicissitudes of life and handling...

  • Tract on Ecstasy

    Tract on Ecstasy


    Dobh Baer of Lubavitch

    Dobh Bear of Lubavitch (1773-1827), the author of Tract on Ecstasy, assumed the leadership of the Hasidic sect of Habad on the death of its founder, Schneor Zalman of Liady. The tract is in the form of a letter, sent by Dobh Baer to his followers,...

  • We Have Reason to Believe

    We Have Reason to Believe


    Fifth Edition

    Jacobs, Louis

    This book examines the basic beliefs of Judaism in light of modern thought. Its shape is traditional but not fundamentalist. This book, the main cause of the 'Jacobs Affair' in which the author's appointment to an Orthodox Rabbinic position was vetoed, suggests that the doctrine Torah Min Ha-Shamayyin...