Art Drama Architecture Music

An Anthology of Miron Grindea's ADAM Editorials, Volume II

Edited by: Lasserson, Rachel

ADAM International Review was the longest-running literary periodical in Europe. It first appeared in Britain during the Second World War and continued to challenge and entertain its readers until 1985, when the death of its only editor, Miron Grindea, brought its lively story to an end. ADAM published material that had never been published before - an essay by Proust on Balzac, numerous drawings by Jean Cocteau, poems by Katherine Mansfield, musings by Picasso, and essays by T.S. Eliot. This anthology contains an outstanding selection of the original material with numerous illustrations and remembers a special man in a turbulent era.

206 pages

Copyright: 1/15/2006

£45.00 GBP