Rabbi Sacks and the Community We Built Together

The United Synagogue

Family and colleagues of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks from the UK as well as team members from his tenure as Chief Rabbi have joined to produce a new book of many original articles, photos, stories and Torah teaching to pay their tribute to Rabbi Sacks’ impact as Chief Rabbi and perpetuate that legacy – the community we built together.
In particular, the book contains a Foreword from Lady Elaine Sacks, an Introduction from Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis, recollections from Rabbi Sacks’ family and contributions from the Dayanim of the London Beth Din.

The book comprises seven main sections:
Chapter one contains Divrei Torah based around the Jewish calendar, building on themes in Rabbi Sacks’ writing and teaching about Judaism.
Chapter two focuses on his central principles of leadership, education and outlook as Chief Rabbi.
Chapter three concentrates on Rabbi Sacks’ prodigious literary output as Chief Rabbi and the messages he imparted.
Chapter four celebrates Rabbi Sacks’ as a master storyteller, sharing both stories he told and stories which the authors experienced with him.
Chapter five draws on Rabbi Sacks’ booklets, Letter to the Next Generation 1 & 2, as well as his A Judaism Engaged With the World. Rabbis who were part of the ‘next generation’ then give contemporary responses to the points Rabbi Sacks made.
Chapter six contains recollections from people who worked closely with him over many years.
Chapter seven is a compilation of some of his most significant writings about the Jewish community and Judaism during his tenure.

256 pages paperback

Copyright: 6/9/2021

£15.99 GBP